Category: New South Wales

  • how i made $400 for flying back from australia

    No, they didn’t pay me to leave. I didn’t cause that much trouble while I was there (I don’t think!) But making $400 (USD) really was true! It was super easy, and it was by absolute chance. My friends and I got to Sydney Airport three hours ahead of time for our 11:55 AM flight…

  • what it’s like to spend chinese new year in australia

    Yes, I know the politically correct term would be Lunar New Year but I’m Chinese, therefore I am calling it Chinese New Year. Spending the holiday there actually wasn’t planned. My friends and I had booked our flights for February and later on found out that we would be there during that time. But I’m…

  • it’s not all about bondi

    I wonder how all of the other beaches feel, living in the shadow of Bondi. Everyone has heard of Bondi, and makes it a point to take the trip there when they visit Sydney. Which, don’t get me wrong – you should definitely visit Bondi. It’s great! But yet, here all of these other Sydney…

  • how to get the best view of the sydney skyline

    Get yourself onto a ferry! But not just any ferry. The Manly Ferry. It happens to give you one of the best views of the entire Sydney skyline. With this ferry ride, you get an unobstructed view of the opera house from three different angles. Plus, you won’t have to deal with all of the (other)…

  • there’s more to sydney than the opera house

    Of course, that has to be on your to-do list, and you’ll want to check out the best views, but you still want to check out what the rest of the city has to offer, right? Sydney Observatory – is a museum where you can learn about astronomy. By night, you can go stargazing and…

  • (really) long walks on the beach

    If you’re not quite ready to commit to the 6 km walk (or 3.73 miles) from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach, Bondi to Tamarama Beach is a great way to get a little preview of the coast. If you do decide to do the entire walk, it’ll take about two hours. The path itself is relatively…

  • lunch with a view

    I don’t normally write about food places on this blog. Yes, food is a huge part of the whole travel experience but that’s what my Yelp page is for. I like to keep things separate. That, and it’s just too many details for me to keep up with. There is too much information for me…

  • you wouldn’t be a true tourist if you didn’t visit bondi beach

    While my family and friends back home in NYC were busy digging their cars out from under mounds of snow, I was busy digging my feet into mounds of sand. I was laying on a beach somewhere in the southern hemisphere. Bondi Beach, to be exact. (which by the way, is pronounced ‘bond-eye’.) If you…

  • do you know what the word, “kangaroo” means? i don’t know…

    Its aboriginal meaning is literally, “I don’t know.” The story is that Captain James Cook was exploring the land and saw one of the creatures. He asked a local what it was but since he didn’t understand what the Captain was saying, he said, “Kangaroo.” And the rest is history. On the way back from…

  • would you get married in a cave?

    Okay, so maybe it doesn’t sound like the most romantic location to exchange vows with your beloved, but at least it’s a unique one! The most visited cave of the Jenolan Caves is Lucas Cave. Inside of Lucas Cave is its highest chamber, ‘The Cathedral’. Because of its size and awesome acoustics, it’s often used…

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